LingFei see yu days leave one left and right the big to prepare ahead but to find his three senior. To the book room immediately very wonmen with a room has pushed the door open at the three were scared!
And then a voice: ouch! The big miss! Can you gentleman points? Now everybody grew up don't like before line not? The white man not satisfied said.
When they found themselves, and a pair of disrespect but looks very care said oh! Big brother! Not an emergency! In say that we became like the elder brothers as another childhood is not what all seen! : what else! This white men face suddenly said red up it seems is shy.
Another green man looked at the big brother hurriedly transfer topic emergency find we have live anywhere so what?
LingFei then just think of hurriedly say yeah! The small hun hun! Shall I take him to see his parents grave I was looking for opportunities to playing tricks on playing tricks on him! Did not think of herself to send the door! Ha ha ha · · · immediately our big YinXiao miss a. Three looked upon the talents in the mind all is a big shock! The teacher younger sister seems so before the evil! Mr All say the world's worst revenge is to woman's sinister! This looks LingDa LingFei miss deserves the most sinister SiShao bullying in the house!
LingFei immediately before the distance see this three senior in the vision to see himself in an immediately toward this immediately to three yell? Hurry to get ready! Three people get god accept back immediately busy with big plans to small talents.
After miss LingFei big three go to his soliloquize word see you this small ground PI flashed up as miss how you! Then laughing again.
Let people appreciate this young lady is the devil incarnate in general. Actually that Mr. Days value what can tidy up thing up? Is a burden that load or a few days ago AoJian villa under pack. Don't expect to with only a few days will be so. Suddenly a desolate heart. Get your things together ok also is waiting for the great lady.
When the bullying home gate at the owner of the fort Mr. Days after balance said: little xia go.
Yu days to the castle also the Lord balance trying way: fort Lord care!
Then LingFei and his brother with five people leaving the ling line at home. The Lord looked at for the figure beside you look older child said: the elders would you guess to who?
Then the elders watched afar beside the figure of said: look out slightly. This young man is a stream of strange smell coming from him breath to see this young man practice must be from the young men jianfa and that send out the JianQi see this young man's sword will be not simple.
Fort Lord smell speech is big surprise that had so little old healthy seems river lake top will be a KuangShi master! But I always feel he is like a man.
The elders surprised to ask; who
Fort Lord light way: yu is the son
The elders exclaimed: what you said I also feel this young man some acquaintanceship! Just send out the justice from the body of the gas and yu is now known each other. Do not know you have specific fort Lord miss this man had asked the story?
After the Lord to fort way: the child too shook his head as the and she hasn't said two words were her nonsense to a stop.
The elders ah in a voice which I see this man has a lot of the unexplained place I see or more attention to subtle!
Fort Lord's ears are a slight nod: we want to report to the team leader zhang father-in-law?
The elders shake to say or check the report! They looked the figure of balance in the eyes of Mr. Days are uncovered confusion of color.
The 1 hour drive finally came inside slope yu days before looking at grave balance in the knees and knelt down immediately. Parents! Child unfilial! Child will find the killer! Please andaunty rest assured!
Only heard a loud laugh pass days value ear ha ha ha! A little fighting skill person who can't do their parents revenge? You are too funny!
Mr. Days at mind and there are big balance immediately said miss make thank big help me buried miss Chou! Will not forget in make graced! After a big heart a miss to hear Mr. Days feel pity but just the balance of a small moment, only just.
Immediately to yu days value loudly way: alas! My dad says you is the lakes chivalrous man. But I? Want to try your skill to see you exactly is small bludger or the chivalrous persons real river. Just saw this young lady the following three senior are headed to the former. Yu days soon learnt at heng why this great lady so frank promised himself was originally trying repair me?
Immediately to the days Mr. Days balance started laughing and ha ha ha ha · · ·! Didn't think I yu days value still let big miss you so fee painstaking alas is really. Since want to compare comparison comes! Say that finish yu days with the balance of his feet to his long sword throw still hand.
Wait! You'll kung fu? Big with doubt asked miss.
Yu days value impatient said: bullshit! Not to have a race? Come on!
Then another later! Wait! Since you will be fighting words that we will differ than a single pick we.. · · together!
Words just finish saw LingFei and her three senior together to rush toward yu days value over. Yu days value what a wry smile this feeling than a? Clearly want to ou said! Only see the four people in the four sword volley flew only the white man's sword most its strength.
See four jian chun days from a zhangs far balance when a HengMeng shook Mr. Days underground fiercely toward a circle round the an explosion of dong LingFei to earthquake back. Mr. Days value immediately picked up swords to four people to the moves broken. Three see yu days after the balance comes viciously up to top up too. A few explosion will four people on both sides each earthquake fly.
Then Mr. Days this side stepped back to balance in the frigid see consideration
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