drinking digest absorb better
However, although milk and milk approached more compared the milk, but not suitable milk as the only dairy, more not suitable for alternative sources of breast milk. "No bad food, only not reasonable prandial, the key lies in balance." What double think, common people in choosing dairy product, should according to "Chinese 'dietary guide" and "Chinese residents balanced diet, emphasizes the pagoda of food diversity. Famous Chinese nutritionists GuJingFan professor explicitly pointed out: "nutrition from food, from food the nutrients. Understand the food nutrition, keep prandial balance, strengthen, improve people's illnesses physical quality of important ways."
What GuJingFan double also cited a period of words: "best what food to eat, and like milk, yoghurt, milk etc dairy foods can match up to drink, this can avoid single food to eat many easy to produce the dependence on their own or refuse to feeling, the digestion and absorption has profit."
Milk contains iron less attention should be added
What double remind, although milk and milk nutrition is rich, but while eating their need to pay attention to some problems.
First, because the dairy and its products iron content relatively less, so either with milk or milk feeding the baby, must pay attention of iron supplements, animal liver, blood, ChuQinRou, fish are a good source of iron. So baby will properly eat some liver mi, fish mi, worms, etc.
Secondly, pregnant women drink milk should pay attention to folate supplements. Now pregnant women all know pregnancy will focus on drink milk, but many people after drinking milk of vegetables, fruits of enough attention, causing folic acid deficiency, increase fetal spinal deformity happened and premature danger. Want to know, proper nutrition and balanced nutrition is a successful pregnancy necessary material base.
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